To Contact Board Members or the POA:  579-2044 or e-mail at


Al Franklin – President, John Csernecky – Vice President, Kerry Jarrell – Treasurer,

Diana Mardall – Secretary, Joe Watts – Director, Kelly Wilson – Director, Sue Hensler – Director,

Charles Karnolt - Director


Merrilee Burns – Co-Editor      Kim Tanch – Co-Editor

CSPOA website:




Message from the Board – Al Franklin, President


If you attended the holiday party, I hope you had a good time.  It takes a lot of time to plan a dinner of this size.  I would like to thank Sue Hensler and her committee for taking the time to plan everything. Thanks for a job well done. Also, thanks to Marjorie Peterson for taking the nice pictures at the dinner and thanks to Gary Stewart for posting on the POA website.


In a couple of weeks, we will be moving forward into a new year, 2019.  Looking back at 2018, the Property Owners Association (POA) has installed pickle ball courts, installed a gate between the tennis courts, removed trees at the pool area to allow more parking, started construction on a pavilion at the recreation area, started remodeling the POA office to make it user friendly, and have ongoing projects to improve the appearance of our community.  The POA Board members should be commended for the time and effort that they give.  As President, I see and appreciate their dedication.


The POA attorney has given us a ruling on recreational vehicle parking when preparing to go on a trip.  A procedure will be developed in the next few weeks.


As you know, the community has had several vehicles broken into and items taken.  One individual that had items stolen, mentioned to me that the person has been caught.  This is very good news.


I hope everyone has a very happy and healthy 2019.  Also, if you have an interest in volunteering in the community contact the POA office.




ACC Corner – Joe Martere, ACC Chairperson


The ACC hopes everyone had a very Merry Christmas and wishes you a happy and healthy New Year. 


The ACC will be doing a check of all un-improved lots to determine which ones need to be cleared/bush hogged this winter.  Owners will be notified by mail and have 45 days to complete the required work.  In addition, a survey of all real-estate signs will also be conducted during the month of January to determine if they are still valid.  Remember that all signs (of any type) require prior approval from the ACC.  Please complete the sign permit application before placing a sign on your property.


Also, please remember that ANY work done on the exterior of your home requires prior ACC approval.  This includes, but not limited to, painting your home the same color, replacing roof shingles of the same color, adding shutters or gutters, replacing doors or windows, etc.


At the direction of the Board, the ACC has been asked to develop language for a change to the DoR and the Rules & Regulations regarding parking of motorhomes overnight.  This will be presented to the Board at their January meeting.


The ACC office is manned Tuesday through Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. until noon.  If you have any questions, please stop by the office.  You may also reach the ACC by e-mail at:




Grounds – Joe Watts


During the November POA Board meeting, the directors approved a new vendor, Total Lawn Care and Landscaping, for our ground’s maintenance.  This new contract is more comprehensive and includes items not previously requested and assigned.  Our new maintenance schedule is for one day a week for 51 weeks a year.  During the fall and winter, the prior schedule was for every other week.


The natural areas at the entrance to the tennis courts and pool were cleared and cleaned in November and will be regularly maintained throughout the year. The winter pansies were planted in December, and other improvements are in process.


The Ladies Garden Club decorated the wall in front of our clubhouse and the entrance to the clubhouse, as well as planting winter flowers in front of the office area .  The Recreation Committee decorated all the entrance signs with wreaths and garland for the holiday season. A special thank you to them!


Please note the construction is under way for the pavilion and upon completion, we will work on repairing and improving the grounds disturbed by the construction.  We ask for your patience during the construction period as the estimated completion date is March of 2019.


Our goal for 2019 is to make the commons areas more appealing, and to maintain and enhance the

grounds to reflect our pride in ownership.  Thank you for your comments and suggestions.










January 9, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. – MONTHLY BOARD MEETING











Candidates in Alphabetical Order


CserneckyJohn Csernecky- Resident since 2003.  Education:  Electrical Engineering degree and  B.S. in  Business Administration.  Experience/Skills:  Town Commissioner in Hamburg, NJ for 2 terms, Town Commissioner Carolina Shores for 1 term, Engineering Manager for multi-million-dollar Air Force test equipment programs, Carolina Shores Emergency Management

chair while Commissioner. POA Board Director since 2015 where I served as the House and Communications Director, POA Board Vice President and ACC liaison since 2016.  Volunteer firefighter(retired) with the Calabash Fire Department, a member of the Calabash VFW and American Legion, and volunteer at the Brunswick County Senior Resources Thrift Store. Goals:  To continue until completion the construction of the Pavilion for the Picnic area, the remodeling of the CSPOA Office area, and the application of the

DoR requirements on an equal basis to all property owners.  BOARD AND COMMUNITY AREAS OF INTEREST: ACC Committee and Recreation Committee.



Alvin Franklin- Resident since 1996. EDUCATION: AA-Business management. EXPERIENCE/SKILLS: Retired US Government and Real Estate.  I was a field supervisor for 5 years while employed by the US Government.  I managed my family’s electrical contracting business.  I served as President of my POA in Maryland and Virginia.  I have served on the Carolina Shores ACC Committee for four years.  I have been on the Carolina Shores POA Board for eighteen years and am currently serving as President of the POA.  I know the history of the POA and the guidelines of the Declaration of Restrictions. BOARD MEMBER ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Keeping the dues down and ensuring that all the ACC requirements are followed.  BOARD AND COMMUNITY AREAS OF INTEREST: President, Vice President and Architectural Control.



David Franklin- Resident since 2013. EDUCATION: High School, some college, U.S. Navy, Vietnam Veteran, four-year Apprenticeship at Millwright Technical Engineering. Served on the Board of Firelake HOA, Sherrard, Illinois.  If elected I would like to continue the POA's oversite of the city's improvement of drainage around the community and maintain or improve road conditions. I am not a politician, nor do I seek this responsibility for the power and control, however minimal, the position would bring. Just fair, transparent community relations that benefit all of us. BOARD AND COMMUNITY AREAS OF INTEREST: Advisory Committee, Maintenance Committee and Architectural Control Committee.



karnolt (2)

Charles Karnolt- Home owner since 2015 .  Relocated from Goshen, CT.  Have served On the POA Board for past two years as Director in charge of the Recreation Facilities.  Enjoy golf, singing, and cooking (chili is my focus).  Veteran US Army (Belong to American Legion).  I understand the challenges of a volunteer organization and realize that you cannot be all things to all people.  I believe in treating people the same way I expect to be treated.  I am an advocate of transparency in things that impact the community.





Renegades – Deb Courtemanche

Ladies Golf Hand Placing Pink Tee And Ball Into Ground. Stock Photos - 31851113Our hosts for January are Debbie O’Dell & Ruth Peagler.  See the Club House Bulletin Board for this month’s tee time.

Renegades had a holiday Tournament planned at Carolina Shores Country Club for Saturday, December 8 with a dinner to follow.  Unfortunately, due to weather the tournament had to be cancelled.  Philip & Jennifer however did a great job with the dinner at the Club House for 25 Renegades and their guests.  The $80 prize money was donated to the South Brunswick Interfaith Food Pantry.

The Renegades play every Thursday morning at Carolina Shores Golf & Country Club.  If you have just moved to the area or if you have lived here for years and would like to play in an 18-hole ladies golf league, contact Debbie Creamer 910-575-8163 or Phillip Bureau at the golf course for more details.  We always welcome new members.



Carolina Shores Scramble Group – Diana Mardall

The Carolina Shores Sunday Scramble group plays golf the second Sunday of each month.  On January 13th we are playing at Pearl West and our host is Keith Rogers.  The cost is $37 per person.  The tee times are 10:06, 10:14, 10:22 & 10:30 and show time is 9:30 a.m.



The sign-up sheet is located in the POA clubhouse on the bulletin board, located behind the door to the library.




Carolina Shores Ladies Niners Sharon Donahue


The Carolina Shores Niners had their annual Christmas party at Carolina Shores Golf Club House.  Everyone enjoyed good food and lots of holiday cheer. Come and join us in January for nine holes of golf. on Thursday mornings.



 click on photo for larger view





Tennis News – Bob Anthony

Close up view of tennis racket and balls

Hope everyone has a Happy, Healthy New Year!


Open tennis is still a great way to stay(get) in shape.  Open tennis happens every Monday, Wednesday and Friday beginning at 9:00 a.m.  Everyone showing up will get to play, no matter your skill level.  Look forward to seeing you out there.


For those not sure that tennis is their bag, there are 4 Pickle Ball courts available at the recreation area.


Because of the construction going on in the recreation area, when using the tennis/pickle ball courts please consider parking on the grass near the courts.  This is temporary until the construction is complete at the picnic area.




Low Impact Chair AerobicsMary Timothy


 LOW IMPACT CHAIR AEROBICS started on November 5th at 9:15- 10:15 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.  This exercise class is excellent for those that have difficulty with a regular aerobics class.  This class will include weight lifting and core strengthening while sitting.  Leg lifts will be done while holding on to a chair.  Then will be followed up with low impact movement without a chair.  Weights will be needed.  I suggest starting with one-pound weights.  Without investing in weights, bottles of water, cans and such can be used if they fit comfortably in your hands. Ankle weights are optional. Come to get in shape and have fun. Contact Mary Timothy for more information at




Recreation Committee – Sue O’Reilly


HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope all who attended our Holiday Party December 2018 enjoyed the evening,

meeting with friends and neighbors, to share the festivities and good cheer to start off the joyous

season.  It’s so nice being with those in our close community “partying” and joining in with the spirit of

fun and good times and for a time, forgetting the stress that sometimes accompany holiday obligations.


We look forward to future times together!


We will begin planning for 2019 activities soon, and first will be BINGO at our POA on Sun. Feb. 10th at

3 p.m. Same as before-bring a snack or finger food to share and join your neighbors in a fun afternoon.  Details will follow at a later date.



            Garden Club - Joanne Bendy

To begin the Holiday season, the Beautification Committee decorated the POA wall with two wreaths, garland and bows.  Then they changed out the garden by the POA office entrance with seasonal plantings.

We enjoyed a lovely Holiday Luncheon at the Parson’s Table where we celebrated our 40th Anniversary with some of our past members.

Micro greens:  How to grow and use them to enhance recipes is the program for our January 9th meeting at 1:00 p.m. at the POA clubhouse.

A Fashion Show and Luncheon is our February 13th fundraiser.  Featured fashions are from Belk.  There will be asilent auction and 50/50.  Tickets are $18 and will go on sale at the January meeting.  Profits raised go towards scholarships and beautification.  A contact to purchase tickets after meeting date will be publicized.

Look forward to seeing you on January 9th!!! 



South Brunswick Interchurch Council – Mary Pritchard

A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the Christmas Dinner boxes for people in Brunswick County.  The SBIC distributed the 150 dinner boxes on December 22nd to the families in need, including many families in the Ash area that were flooded out during Hurricane Florence.  May God bless you all for your generosity.






Book Discussion Group – Susie Riggs  


stack of books isolated on white backgroundHappy Holidays from the Carolina Shores Book Discussion Group! With so many of our members

planning to be out of town on the third Friday of December, we did not meet this month. At our January meeting we will discuss both the December selection, How to Find Love in A Bookshop by Veronica Henry and the January selection, The Great Alone. By Kristin Hannah. We look forward to this meeting, which will be held on Friday, January 18 at 10:00 in the POA Library. If you are a Carolina Shores resident, love to read and talk about books, come join us in 2019!



Knit ‘n Natter – Diana Mardall

Did you know Carolina Shores has an evening knitting/crocheting/needlework group?  We meet every other Monday at 6.30 p.m. in the POA Board Room.  If you knit, crochet or do other needlework, stop by and join us.  We’d love to see new faces.

The group meets and shares patterns and expertise.  We work on a variety of projects including sweaters, cardigans, afghans, shawls, cross stitch, arm knitting (that was a blast!), etc.  Usually we even have dessert!

Our next meeting will be on Monday, January 7th at 6.30 p.m. 

If you have any questions, email me at or call me at 910-575-7804.



POA Library – Sue O’Reilly


In this age of Kindle and other digital reading devices, there are less books being bought and passed down, at least

so, it seems, judging by our library donations.  If you have any popular fiction or non-fiction titles that you have finished with, they can find a temporary home in our library to be enjoyed by others. Please only titles copyrighted from 2009 to 2019.  Anything older can be donated to thrift shops or the public library. We have limited shelf space so can’t accommodate any “how to” books or those of a specialized nature. Deposit all donations in the plastic bin please—do not shelve. Thank you!



New Neighbors – Flo Pflaster, Eva Jensen and Margie Pettersen

Neighborhood with homes illustrated on white.

Name: Janet Dagata

Address: 11 Sunrise Court

Phone: 860-919-1067



Janet comes to us from Connecticut where was she was a nursing administrator at New Britain Hospital.  However, she is no stranger to this area since she once lived in nearby Ocean Forest and has many friends here.   Now, she is looking forward to retirement life and doing the things which give her pleasure: gardening, cooking, and listening to music.  She has two children and five grandchildren.  Joining her in her new house is a menagerie of pets: a dog named Little Bit, 3 cats, and a white cockatoo, Java!  



If you recently purchased a home in Carolina Shores and have not been greeted by the Welcoming Committee, please contact Flo at 575-6243 or





Mah Jongg Lessons – Marjorie Pettersen Introduction to Mah Jongg.  If you were ever curious about Mah Jongg, a fun fast-paced tile game that originated in China, please let me know.  I will offer lessons in my home in a nice relaxed environment-no pressure to learn it all at once.  Contact Margie at 860-307-3175 or




Care Team – Flo Pflaster you to Beverly Rowse for volunteering to take over the Care Team as of January 1, 2019.


After many years of coordinating the Team, I have decided to step down. For those on the Team, nothing will change except that you will get notifications from Bev instead of me when someone needs help.


For those in our community that need help, please call Bev as of January 1. Her number is: 919-271-3005.


As always, please remember that this if for short term, temporary help for specific needs. It is NOT a solution to a long-term need.



AARP Foundation – Barbara Hutton


The AARP Tax-Aide program will be in operation beginning February 1st at the new library, Southwest Brunswick, at 9400 Ocean Highway.


This is the same program which operated previously at the Hickman’s Crossroads library site.  We are always looking for new volunteers to staff the program and to assist our clients in preparation of their annual tax return.  If you would be interested in learning more about this program, please call Barbara Hutton at 579-5324.  Volunteers are being selected at this time.  All volunteers will receive training during January and be ready to assist in our community beginning February 1st.  The program operates from Feb 1, 2019 until April 15, 2019. 



Jewelry Making Class: Carolina Shores resident Joan Masters will be teaching an 8-week wire wrap course at Brunswick Community College starting March through April in Southport.  Hope to see you there.








In Memoriam

John Gleason

Frank E. Trusheim, Jr.





Sales and Services


JP’S SMOOTHIES - Now Open!!!!

9970 Beach Drive, Calabash   (across from Callahan’s)

Phone: 579-9970

Hours: Mon-Thur 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Fri-Sat. 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Sunday 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.



Handyman work, Electrical, plumbing, Carpentry & Auto.  Reliable on-time service.

Gary A. Lefevre  910-800-0892

Rhapsody Electric Wheelchair – 2009 model – good condition - $750 OBO.  Please call 579-5855 for more information.

Piano, Violin lessons.  Graduate of New England Conservatory.  Call Susan Scott at 910-579-0887.

Painting clip artRoger’s Painting No Job Too Small!  Inside – Outside – No spraying.  Paid only when job is complete and you are satisfied.  Call Roger at 516-768-7209.

Richard Lawlor Painting and Home Maintenance

Rich Lawlor (Owner)         910-512-2517

73 Persimmon Road, Carolina Shores 28467

Very Reasonable Rates

Ladies' Massage Party - Fun and relaxation with friends and a massage, too! All are good for you! Hostess receives complimentary massage. Call  910-575-5975 for details. Gloria Schroppe NC Lic. # 6366 - whether selling your house or just need to organize or refresh, call Grace at 910-575-5369.  Satisfaction a certainty.  Free Estimates. BELLE THRIFT- Accepting furniture, household, decor, clothing, jewelry. Managed by C.S. neighbors.  10136 Beach Dr.  next to min. golf.  10-5 Mon.-Sat.910-622-2122. 10% Veterans discount.

handyman[1]Need help with refinishing, repairs, etc. of your home’s interior?  Former remodeling contractor with 30 years’ experience.  Free consultation. Very likely I can save you $$$. CS resident. Call Lee at 579-3121 or 910-200-5687. Home Services. Respite care for homebound patients, help with household tasks or pet care, whatever you need. Call Joyce at 575-0825 for more information.

Resident high school student available for babysitting or dog walking.  Evenings and weekends.  Contact Maya Lindsey at 910-465-8259

Sullivan Home Inspection Team (Mike & Judy) are residents of CS.  If you are selling, buying or just curious what condition your home is in, we would like to help you. Cell 608-770-0603 or 608-712-0010.

Calabash Wholesale ComputersWe sell Laptops, Apple MacBooks, Desktops and more. Need an Upgrade or Repair? Call Patty at 910-575-7850.  Open Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Clinique-Makeup[1]Avon Are you looking for an Avon representative?  Call Mae at 575-2209.

Hellebore Flowers In Bloom In Early Spring Stock Photo - 38084720Perennial Plants for sale..  Call Kitty at 579-1873.

Tastefully Done Meal Service - Tastefully Done is a unique chef service providing you affordable customized meals, a weekly or bi-weekly service.

Call Bob at 579-9666. Honest and Reliable:  Do you need someone to pet sit, take care of your plants, run errands, and/or house sit?  North Myrtle Beach to Shallotte.  Call Whitney at 910-363-7588.

The-Timeless-Designing-Patterns-for-Enhancing-the-User-Interface[1]Websites of any size for your business or service: 15 plus years of experience.  Free estimates. Call Tim at 579-8154 or

JM Gems Jewelry Party.  Make and keep your style earrings, bracelet, or necklace.  Price will vary by material selected.


Please call for party appointment: 518-860-2512

Free Starlight Dance 6 Stock Photo - 5464510Ballroom Dancing Classes

Singles and Couples Welcome

$15 an Hour

Call Joe 910-712-1685

Scott Lewis - Call Scott for handyman and powerwashing needs – Call your local professional at 910-579-0703.

Nell's Fine Consignment of Calabash Closet Concierge Service for Ladies.  We'll Help You Clean Out Your Closet - You'll Make Money!  Visit us at the Calabash Cottages, 10152 Beach Dr. SW, for particulars.

CS resident, Mary Zio, has opened Phthalo Blue Art Gallery at 7199 Beach Drive in Ocean Isle Beach.  The gallery features local and national artists, including CS artists.  Hours:  Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.

FOR SALE: 26” Streaming Aluminum like new bike.

Paid $275.00 – Asking $100.00  Call Linda 910-579-7105 if interested.


Gutter Clean – Gutter Clutter & Roof Rubish Removal. Please call 910-368-6615 if interested.

Beautify your home, prepare for the holidays, family visits, sorting your stuff, de-clutter and revitalize your house. I can help! Efficient, thorough & reasonable.  Call Ann, CS Resident, at 604-1248.  


Dog Crate for sale: 18” x 24” x 20” $30.00

Premium Top Quality Golf Balls: $5.95/dozen and up

Please call 910-575-1004 if interested.



January 2019






























8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

1:00 Ladies Bridge

1:00 Maj Jongg

6:30 Kings Row

6:30 Ladies Poker





8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

1:00 Ladies Cards

7:00 Canasta


9:30 Mah Jongg

6:30 Mah Jongg

6:30 Men’s Poker

7:00 Men’s Poker


8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

1:00 Ladies Cards

6:30 Men’s Poker








8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

1:00 Ladies Bridge

1:00 Maj Jongg

6:30 Knit ‘n Natter

6:30 Kings Row

6:30 Ladies Poker


1:00 Poker

5:00 New Horizons


8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

9:30 Board Mtg.

1:00 Garden Club

7:00 Canasta

7:00 Bunco


9:30 Mah Jongg

6:30 Mah Jongg

6:30 Men’s Poker

7:00 Men’s Poker



8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

10:00 Quilting / Needlework Guild

1:00 Ladies Cards

6:30 Men’s Poker






Sunday Scramble


8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

1:00 Ladies Bridge

1:00 Maj Jongg

6:30 Kings Row

6:30 Ladies Poker






8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

1:00 Ladies Cards

7:00 Canasta



9:30 Mah Jongg

6:30 Mah Jongg

6:30 Men’s Poker

7:00 Men’s Poker




8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

10:00 Book Discussion Group

1:00 Ladies Cards

6:30 Men’s Poker













8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

1:00 Ladies Bridge

1:00 Maj Jongg

6:30 Knit ‘n Natter

6:30 Kings Row

6:30 Ladies Poker


1:00 Poker



8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

10:30 Mexican Train

1:00 Ladies Cards

7:00 Canasta



9:30 Mah Jongg

6:30 Mah Jongg

6:30 Men’s Poker

7:00 Men’s Poker



8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

10:00 Quilting / Needlework Guild

1:00 Ladies Cards

6:30 Men’s Poker











8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

1:00 Ladies Bridge

1:00 Maj Jongg

6:30 Kings Row

6:30 Ladies Poker




8:00 Exercise

9:00 Tennis

9:15 Chair Aerobics

1:00 Ladies Cards

7:00 Canasta


9:30 Mah Jongg

6:30 Mah Jongg

6:30 Men’s Poker

7:00 Men’s Poker

















































Recycle Center Schedule

Windshield Sticker Required

Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays – 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

Tuesdays & Thursdays – 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Fridays – 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Closed Sundays

Please note in 2018 the recycle center will close on the following days:  January 1 and 15, March 30, May 28, July 4, September 3, November 12, 22 and 23, December 24 and 25.